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Why our forgotten history of emergency medicine can teach us about how hard it is to change medical culture

I stumbled across Kevin Hazzard’s book “American Sirens” after listening to the 99% Invisible podcast episode on the Freedom House Ambulance Service. It was an excellent stumble. Can you even imagine a time before ambulances, CPR, emergency medicine? When the assumption about emergencies was that patients had to be moved as fast as possible to…

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The power of telling a story from an unexpected perspective

Madeline Miller’s works The Song of Achilles and Circe are powerful, expertly-written retellings of stories that have been passed down and re-told across centuries. What makes them so striking? In part, I think, because they are so firmly grounded in her expertise in Greek mythology – while they are works of fiction, they are clearly…

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How far we’ve come with women and medicine (and how far we have to go)

I love reading two books at once, and bringing them into conversation with each other. I don’t always choose pairings deliberately; with this pairing it was simply because they arrived at the same time. Together, they made for a powerful read about women and health. “The Doctors Blackwell: How two pioneering sisters brought medicine to…