Publications and past work
(2024) Meares A, Pegram C & McLennan AK. Australian Cybernetic: A point through time. Exhibition catalogue. Canberra: ANU School of Cybernetics.
(2024) McLennan AK (ed) FEASTschrift: Snack-sized reflections on wrangling complexity. A collection of works celebrating the retirement of Professor Stanley Ulijaszek. San Francisco: Blurb.
(2012) Locket NA, Norris RM & McLennan AK (eds). Locket’s 3D Anatomy Cutouts. Sydney: McGraw Hill.
(2024) McLennan AK. If a diabetes policy of diet and exercise keeps failing, is it time for a new approach? The Guardian, 25 March.
(2021) Bell G, Gould M, Martin B, McLennan AK, O’Brien E. Do more data equal more truth? Toward a cybernetic approach to data. Australian Journal of Social Issues. DOI 10.1002/ajs4.168
(2020) McLennan AK, Ulijaszek SJ & Kleberg Hansen AK. Correspondence: Health and medicine cannot solve COVID-19. Lancet 396: 599-600.
(2020) McLennan AK. The rise of nutritionism and the decline of nutritional health in Nauru. Food, Culture and Society 23(2): 249-266.
(2019) Wilson M & McLennan AK. A comparative ethnography of nutrition interventions: Structural violence and the industrialisation of agrifood systems in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Social Science & Medicine 228: 172-180.
(2019) Schneider T, Eli K, McLennan AK, Dolan C, Lezaun J & Ulijaszek SJ. Governance by campaign: The co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise through new information and communication technologies. Information, Communication and Society 22(2):172-192.
(2018) McLennan AK, Schimonovich M, Ulijaszek SJ, Wilson M. The problem with relying on historical dietary surveys: sociocultural correctives to theories of dietary change in the Pacific islands. Ann. Human Biology 45(3): 272-284.
(2018) Hardin J, McLennan AK & Brewis AS. Body size, body norms and some unintended consequences of obesity intervention in the Pacific islands. Annals of Human Biology 45(3): 285-294.
(2018) McLennan AK & Ulijaszek SJ. Correspondence: Beware the medicalisation of loneliness. Lancet 391: 1480.
(2017) Beguerisse-Díaz M, McLennan AK, Garduño-Hernández G, Barahona M & Ulijaszek SJ. The ‘who’ and ‘what’ of #diabetes on Twitter. Digital Health 3: 1-29.
(2016) Ulijaszek SJ & McLennan AK. Framing obesity in UK policy from the Blair years, 1997-2015: the persistence of individualistic approaches despite overwhelming evidence of societal and economic factors, and the need for collective responsibility. Obesity Reviews 17(5): 397-411.
(2016) Shaw V & McLennan AK. Was acupuncture developed by Han Dynasty Chinese anatomists? Anatomical Record 299(5): 643-659.
(2015) McLennan AK. Bringing everyday life into the study of ‘lifestyle diseases’. Lessons from an ethnographic investigation of obesity emergence in Nauru. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 7(3): 286-301.
(2015) McLennan AK & Ulijaszek SJ. Editorial: An anthropological insight into the Pacific Island obesity crisis and its clinical implications. Diabetes Management 5(3): 143-145.
(2015) McLennan AK & Ulijaszek SJ. Obesity emergence in the Pacific islands: why understanding colonial history and social change is important. Public Health Nutrition 18(8): 1499–1505.
(2025) McLennan AK & Biedermann T. Will smart cities have trees? In: Bates V (ed.) Handbook of Health and Environmental Humanities. London: Routledge. (in press)
(2020) Bell G & McLennan AK. The new cybernetics: Lessons from the last Great Redesign. In: Schrader M & Martens V (eds) The Great Redesign: Frameworks for the future. Hamburg: Next Factory Ottensen. Link.
(2020) Williams ET, Nabavi E, Bell G, Bentley CM, Daniell KA, Derwort N, Hatfield-Dodds Z, Leins K & McLennan AK (2020) Begin with the human: Designing for safety and trustworthiness in cyber-physical systems. In: Lawless W, Mittu R & Sofge D (eds) Human-Machine Shared Contexts. New York: Elsevier.
(2017) McLennan AK, Ulijaszek SJ & Beguerisse-Díaz M. Diabetes on Twitter: influence, activism, and what we can learn from all the food jokes. In: Schneider T, Eli K, Dolan C & Ulijaszek SJ (eds) Digital Food Activism. London: Routledge. Link.
(2017) McLennan AK. Local food, imported food, and the failures of community gardening initiatives in Nauru. In: Wilson M (ed.) Postcolonialism, Indigeneity and Struggles for Food Sovereignty: Alternative Food Networks in Postcolonial Spaces. London: Routledge. Link.
(2016) Ulijaszek SJ, McLennan AK, Graff HM. Conceptualizing ecobiosocial interactions: lessons from obesity. In: Singer M (ed) A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health. New York: Wiley Blackwell. Link.
(2015) Eli K, McLennan AK, Schneider T. Configuring relations of care in an online consumer protection organisation. In: Abbots E-J, Lavis A, Attala L (2015) Careful Eating: Embodied Entanglements between Food and Care. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing.
(2014) McLennan AK, Ulijaszek SJ, Eli K. Social aspects of dietary sugars. In: Goran MI, Tappy L, Lê K-A (eds) Dietary Sugars and Health: From Biology to Policy. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis / CRC Press.
Australian Cybernetic: A point through time | Canberra, 2022 / Exhibition research and co-curation for ANU School of Cybernetics
Olympic partnership scoping | Paris, 2019 / Workshop co-design and delivery for Intel Corp. , IOC, IPC, Paris2024
JMS Global Symposium on SDGs | New York, 2018 / Symposium design and facilitation for John Monash Foundation
PACE-NET+ ThinkTank on NCDs | Bremen, 2014 / Facilitator for Pacific-Europe Network for Science, Technology and Innovation
Review of the post-2015 UN agenda | London, 2013 / Delegate and working group leader at the Commonwealth Secretariat
Global Social Leaders program | London, 2013 / Program design and coach for Future Foundations at Wellington College
Population in the human sciences | Oxford, 2011 / Conference design and management at the University of Oxford
Obesity: Welfare regime hypothesis | Oxford, 2009 / Conference design and management at the University of Oxford
Joint Iraq-Australia aid scoping mission | Perth, Melb., Syd., Cbr, 2007 / Program design, management and facilitation, for AusAID/DFAT
Health Technology Assessment conference | Adelaide, 2006 / Program manager for HTAi and Royal College of Surgeons
(2016) Innovation and Science Australia. Performance review of the Australian innovation, science and research system. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
(2016) Commonwealth of Australia. COAG Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children: Final Report. Canberra: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
(2015-2018) Unpublished reports and policy reform projects to which I contributed research, analysis and strategy capability as a social analyst (more detail cannot be given for reasons of confidentiality): Australia Post reforms, Cyber Resilience Taskforce, Cities Taskforce, IT Procurement Taskforce, Private Healthcare Taskforce, PFAS Taskforce, Human-Centred Design in the Public Service, Introduction of Robotic Surgery.
(2021) Zafiroglu A, Bell G, McLennan AK, O’Brien E, Desai H, Broad E. Taking autonomous mining to scale. A report for FMG. Prepared and delivered by the ANU School of Cybernetics, 21 May.
(2020) McLennan AK, Chan T, Liu J. Driving the Cyber-Physical System agenda in Germany. ANU School of Cybernetics blog, 29 June. Link.
(2019) Bell G, Daniell K & McLennan AK. Governing artificial intelligence at scale. Policy Forum, 29 August. Link.
(2019) McLennan AK & Gould M. What can mining teach us about cyber-physical systems? Mindaroo Foundation blog. Link.
(2019) McLennan AK. The UK in turbulent times: food, environment and cultural change. Report produced for TetraPak on behalf of IPSOS Mori, April.
(2018) Bell G, McLennan AK & Hatfield-Dodds Z. Making policy for a future of artificial intelligence at scale. The Mandarin, 27 September. Link.
(2014) McLennan AK, Jayaweera H. Non-communicable diseases and risk factors in migrants from South Asian countries.Literature review and scoping report. Oxford: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society.
(2008) McLennan AK. What the nose knows. The role of odour in ritually-induced bodily transformation and implications for obesity research in the Pacific islands. **Awarded RAI 2008 AM Hocart Prize.**
(2024) Meares A & McLennan AK. Creativity, cybernetics and computers: insights from 1968 to 2050. SXSW Sydney, 15 Oct.
(2022) Invited panellist on Roundtable: When Cyber Security Meets AI Ethics: What human society will be like in 2030? ‘Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society’ conf., Royal Anthropological Institute, 6-10 June. Link.
(2022) McLennan AK. Obesity and the inflammation epidemic. Presented for the UBVO 15 Years celebration workshop, University of Oxford, 12 May.
(2022) McLennan AK. Unexpected items in bagging area: How tech is changing our food system. Presented at ‘What Works for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System? Workshop II,’ UK Food Standards Agency, 29 March. Link.
(2021) Lynch E, Smith J & McLennan AK. Comparison of interpersonal skill competency for Australian Graduate and Experienced engineer frameworks. Presented at the ‘Research in Engineering Education Symposium and Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference,’ Perth, 5-8 December.
(2020) McLennan AK & Mylius B. This fairy tale will change the way you think about cyber-physical systems. Presented in the ‘Cyber Security Seminar Series,’ Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, 4 Dec.
(2020) McLennan AK. Unexpected items in bagging area: How tech is changing our food system. Presented at ‘Food, activity, and mental health in the year of coronavirus’ workshop, School of Anthropology, Univ. of Oxford, 4 Nov.
(2020) McLennan AK. Complexity thinking. Presentation in the series ‘Roadmap to the Future: Imagined by General Sir John Monash Scholars,’ 16 July.
(2020) McLennan AK, Parker L, Nordstrom D & Schutzenhofer M. Teaching and learning ethnographic practice at different scales. Salon at EPIC2020, October.
(2020) McLennan AK, Assaad Z & Traw B. Cybernetic teardown of a computational object. Tutorial at EPIC2020, Oct.
(2019) McLennan AK. The future of sustainability and technology. John Monash Scholars Global Symposium, Melbourne, 16-17 December.
(2019) McLennan AK. Data and the future of public health. Australian Institute of Health & Welfare, Canberra, 3 Jun.
(2019) McLennan AK. Human wellbeing in the age of AI. Conference on the International Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence. Crawford School of Public Policy, 22 February.
(2018) McLennan AK. The rise of nutritionism and decline of nutritional health in Nauru. Transecting healthy and sustainable food in the Asia-Pacific. Yale-NUS, Singapore, 29 July to 1 August.
(2016) Daniell J, Wenzel F, McLennan AK, Daniell K, Kunz-Plapp T, Khazai B, Schaefer A & Kunz M. The global role of natural disaster fatalities in decision-making: statistics, trends and analysis from 116 years of disaster data compared to fatality rates from other causes. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, 17-22 April.
(2016) McLennan AK. Is obesity a “culture problem” rather than a “health problem”? The Change Agenda: Leadership and Direction for Australia’s Future. John Monash Scholars’ Symposium, Oxford, 31 March – 1 April.
(2015) Beguerisse-Díaz M & McLennan AK. The ‘who’ and ‘what’ of diabetes on Twitter. Digital Food Activism, an Oxford Food Governance Group workshop, Oxford, 25 November. Link.
(2015) Wilson M & McLennan AK. Public health strategies and place histories: post-colonial obstacles to international public health strategies in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Workshop on the Politics of Non-communicable Diseases in the Global South, King’s College London and QMUL, 2-3 October.
(2015) McLennan AK. Obesity: Four new ways to think about a forty-year-old problem. Short and Sweet Series, Domestic Policy Group, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, 8 August.
(2015) Ulijaszek SJ & McLennan AK. Political models of obesity: Set within regulatory frameworks and ideologies. 22nd European Congress on Obesity, Prague, 6-9 May.
(2014) McLennan AK. Lifestyle change and obesity in Nauru. Invited seminar, Medical Anthropology Research Seminars. Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, 10 Mar.
(2014) Beguerisse-Díaz M & McLennan AK.Obesity and diabetes conversation networks on Twitter. Invited seminar, Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminar series. Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, 6 Feb.
(2012) McLennan AK. Preserve or feast, save or spend? Rhythms of eating in the Republic of Nauru. Paper presented at Feast and Famine: Exploring Relationships with Food in the Pacific. Pacific Islands Research Network (PIRN) Inaugural Conference, University College London, 7-8 Sept.
(2012) McLennan AK & Ulijaszek SJ. Biocultural approaches to complexity: the example of obesity. Presentation at Anthropology in the 21st Century: Challenges and New Directions international symposium, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 2 Jun.
(2010) McLennan AK. Using subjective science to understand population obesity. Paper presented at the 13th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality: Health Politics in an Interconnected World. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Berlin, Germany, 1-5 Dec.
(2007) Fogg QA, McLennan AK, Henneberg M, Parkinson IH. Histologic structure of variable regions of the interpubic joint. Poster at the 9th Congress of European Association of Clinical Anatomists (EACA), Prague, 5-8 Sept.
(2006) McLennan AK, M Henneberg, Parkinson IH, Fogg QA. Anatomy of the interpubic joint (pubic symphysis) with reference to function. Paper presented at the Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) annual scientific meeting, Adelaide, Australia, 6 Jun. **Awarded Clinical Research Prize and Honours Student Prize.**
(2018) McLennan AK. Book review: Marshall M (2013) Drinking smoke: the tobacco syndemic in Oceania. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 146: 269-271. Link.
(2013) McLennan AK. Book review: Moffat T & Prowse T (2010) “Human Diet and Nutrition in Biocultural Perspective. Past Meets Present” and Brewis AA (2011) “Obesity. Cultural and Biocultural Perspectives.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 27(2): b15-18. **Reprinted in 2016 as a feature in Open Anthropology, the public journal of the American Anthropology Association 4(2). Link.**
(2013) McLennan AK. Book review: MacClancy H & Macbeth H (2007) “Consuming the Inedible: Neglected Dimensions of Food Choice.” Journal of Biosocial Science 45(2): 287.
(2010) McLennan AK. Book review: Hopkins M (2007) “Corporate Social Responsibility and International Development. Is Business the Solution?” Journal of Biosocial Science 42: 431-432.
(2009) McLennan AK. Book review: Hofmann PB & Perry F (2005) “Management Mistakes in Healthcare: Identification, Correction and Prevention.” Journal of Biosocial Science 41: 429-430.
(2009) McLennan AK. Book review: Longhurst R (2001) “Bodies: Exploring Fluid Boundaries”. Journal of Biosocial Science 41(6): 845-846.
(2009) McLennan AK. Book Review: Bhargava A (2008) “Food, Economics and Health”. Journal of Biosocial Science 41(2): 287-288.
(2024) Nursing, endo and cancer – living with it all. Interview with Ellie Angel-Mobbs, Living with Endo: The A to Z of Endometriosis podcast, 24 June.
(2024) How has a small island become the nation with the highest rate of obesity? Consulting expert and interview with the BBC World Food Programme, 29 January. Link.
(2023) Obesity series: View from abroad. Interview with The World at One on BBC Radio 4, 28 July. Link.
(2023) Life with endometriosis with Jess Coldrey and Dr Amy McLennan. The General Sir John Monash Scholars podcast (Episode 50), 28 February. Link.
(2021) Louka Parry interview with Amy McLennan and her Educational Experiences team on ‘The Learning Future Podcast,’ 13 August. Link.
(2020) Future Health, Episode 9. Cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence with Dr Amy McLennan. NSW Health, 15 Dec. Link.
(2020) National Youth Science Forum boosts young people keen on science. Robyn Williams interview with Melanie Bagg & Amy McLennan on ‘The Science Show,’ ABC Radio National, Australia, 17 October. Link.
(2020) Designing our AI future. Robyn Williams interview with Amy McLennan on ‘The Science Show,’ ABC Radio National, Australia, 10 October. Link.
(2020) Ulijaszek SJ & Bird T. Around the table: Food stories from science to everyday life. Anthropologist Amy McLennan on redefining lifestyle diseases on the Pacific island of Nauru, 9 June. Link.
(2020) Designing ethical technology for a better future. EDspresso podcast interview with Genevieve Bell and Amy McLennan. Also featured in the Future EDge publication, Issue 3. NSW Department of Education. Link.
(2020) Ulijaszek SJ & Bird T. Around the table: Food stories from science to everyday life. Season One: Lockdown Food. Interview with Amy McLennan on the meat supply chain during COVID-19, 9 June. Link.
(2019) Szeps J. The people vs. devices. Interview with Mark Pesce, Amy McLennan and Janine Cooper, ABC Radio National, Australia, 13 January. Link.
(2015) Williams R. Obesity a major killer for Pacific Islanders. Interview with Stanley Ulijaszek and Amy McLennan on ‘The Science Show,’ ABC Radio National, Australia, 13 June. Link.
(2024) McLennan AK. If a diabetes policy of diet and exercise keeps failing, is it time for a new approach? The Guardian, 25 March.
(2020) White S. Building a future for artificial intelligence. Careers feature in the Sydney Morning Herald, Jan 10. Link.
(2018) Striving to improve human wellbeing: NYSF alumna Dr Amy McLennan. Profile on NYSF website, Aug 14. Link.
(2022) Meares A, Pegram C & McLennan AK (curators). Australian Cybernetic: A point through time. Exhibition hosted at the ANU School of Cybernetics.
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